Wednesday, 9 November 2011

AR2 (Learning Styles)

Learning Styles Synopsis.
I am multi- modal, having scored 6,5,5,5 for activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist respectively.
So I’ve reached the following conclusions:
My ego is activist, while my rational head is theorist. I love to while away the hours reflecting when I am relaxed and have the time. When I’m fired up and want to get on with a project of my own creation I am definitely a pragmatist. I suppose you could say I’m hard to pin down, hate being pigeon holed, a real pain in the arse at meetings, although I am trying to develop my listening skills and not just sounding out my own ideas all the time. I also need to think more before I open my mouth and learning how to be more democratic and tactful would probably gain me more friends. There is a delicate balance between honesty and down- right rudeness and being a sycophant which I am still learning. But hey - nobody’s perfect.

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